Friday, June 4, 2010

It's been a good week for Jakob

New Bed

and a new toy!

Luckily I got great deals on both. I love pet supermarket.. I got J's carseat there too. I also switched him to Taste of the Wild food; he seems to love it but we'll see how he adjusts.

Sunday he gets the snip snip.. poor lil guy.


little princess Luna~ said...

hi there jakobs mum~!! :)
awwww--very cool~! i love shopping fro luna too. isn't it the best?? hehe.
i am sure they would get along great~!!

luna's mum

nine said...

awww Jakob! You are so adogable! Thx for following me, Kayla. I just ADORE pics of pets and dog clothing, too! Jakob is the cutest doggy evah!