Thursday, May 13, 2010

Jakob is 5 months old today!

He's almost 6lbs and just keeps getting cuter. I couldn't ask for a better pup.

We just got back from the gulf coast so we're relaxing a little more at home before I start my last semester of college!


PaPaw said...

We enjoyed your visit to the Gulf Coast with the adorable grand baby! Loved it!!!

little princess Luna~ said...


thank you for following me~! your jakob is super cute. i am very jelous that mum is gushing over him so much. hehe. ;)


Sketching with Dogs said...

It is lovely to meet you, thank you for following our blog.
What a gorgeous little boy Jacob is - we love him!
He is very brave with the big dogs too, much braver than us, bol.
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx